15 Warning Signs That You’re Dealing With A Narcissist

Riya Khajuria
10 min readJul 10, 2022


Most people overcomplicate the process of detecting whether someone is a narcissist.
There are no physical blood tests, MRIs, or precise diagnoses that can detect narcissism.
Even therapists must rely only on observations of a person’s conduct and views. So, here are all of the characteristics and actions that indicate a narcissist.
Not all of these characteristics must be present to diagnose narcissism: To be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, a person must display just 55% of the specified symptoms, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which therapists use as a reference.

Supremacy and entitlement

Superiority is the most common symptom of a narcissist. This is distinct from mere self-assurance. The narcissist’s universe is all about good/bad, superior/inferior, and right/wrong.
There is a clear hierarchy, with the narcissist at the top — the only position where they feel comfortable. Narcissists must be the best, the most correct, and the most competent; they must do everything their way; they must own everything; and they must dominate everyone.

Surprisingly, narcissists may feel superior by being the worst, the most incorrect, or the most unwell, unhappy, or damaged.

Then they believe they have the right to receive soothing care and remuneration, as well as the right to damage you or demand apologies to “make things right.” This is referred to as susceptible or hidden narcissism.

They were first endearing.

People with NPD are drawn to Trusted Source grandiosity and fantasy. Your relationship may have felt like a fairytale at initially, with them continually complimenting you or telling you they loved you within the first month.

Even if you’ve only recently started dating, they may compliment you on your intelligence or stress your compatibility.

“Narcissists believe that they deserve to be with unique people, and that only special people can completely appreciate them,” explains Nedra Glover Tawwab, LCSW, founder of Kaleidoscope Counseling in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Weiler’s advice: Be alert if someone comes on too aggressively at first. Sure, we all want to be lusted after. True love, on the other hand, must be cultivated and grown.

“If you believe it’s too soon for them to truly love you, you’re usually right. “Or if you get the impression that they don’t know enough about you to love you, they probably don’t,” Weiler adds.

Early in a relationship, people with NPD would try to make superficial relationships.

Conversation Catcher

The narcissist enjoys talking about himself or herself and does not allow you to participate in a two-way conversation. You are having difficulty having your opinions and feelings heard. When you do have a chance to speak out, if you disagree with the narcissist, your remarks are likely to be corrected, rejected, or ignored.

While many individuals have a bad tendency of interrupting others, the narcissist interrupts and swiftly returns the spotlight to herself. He isn’t genuinely interested in you.

Divided Personality

The allure and fascination felt at the outset of a relationship with a narcissist does not persist forever. It might take days, weeks, months, or even a year in certain circumstances. The transition from the charming person you fell in love with to someone you hardly know might seem like the wind has been knocked out of your sails.

The next thing you know, you’re floating over the lake with the sun on your face, and the next thing you know, you’re in the thick of a fierce, terrible storm.

You are experiencing the “splitting” personality of the narcissist if you have encountered the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde flip, when one minute you feel like you’ve discovered “the one,” and the next minute you wonder who this awful person in front of you is.

Andrea Schneider, Narcissism Topic Expert, notes that the fissures normally appear gradually.

Excessive need for attention and approval

Another basic narcissist feature is the persistent demand for attention — even if it’s just following you around the home, asking you to find things, or saying anything to keep your attention.

Validation is only meaningful to a narcissist if it comes from others. Even so, it doesn’t mean much.

The urge for affirmation in a narcissist is like a funnel. You pour in encouraging words, and they just flow out the other end and disappear.

No matter how many times you tell a narcissist that you love, appreciate, or approve of them, they never feel it’s enough — because they don’t believe anybody can love them.

Despite their self-centered, grandiose boasting, narcissists are actually profoundly insecure and frightened of falling short. They are continually seeking praise and acceptance from others in order to bolster their fragile egos, but no matter how much they are given, they always want more.

They thrive on your compliments.

Narcissists may appear to be extremely self-assured. According to Tawwab, most persons with NPD have low self-esteem and want a lot of attention and praise.

“They require a lot of praise, and if you don’t provide it to them, they’ll go out and get it,” she adds. That’s why they’re always looking to you to tell them how wonderful they are.

“Narcissists exploit other people — often highly empathetic individuals — to provide a feeling of self-worth and to make them feel strong.” “However, because of their poor self-esteem, their egos are easily slighted, which enhances their desire for compliments,” explains Shirin Peykar, LMFT.

“The primary difference between confident people and those with NPD is that narcissists require others to boost them up, and they can only lift themselves up by tearing others down.” “Two things that individuals with a lot of confidence don’t do,” Peykar explains.

“Narcissists punish everyone around them for their lack of self-confidence,” Weiler says.

Breaker of the rules.

The narcissist likes breaching regulations and social standards, such as cutting in line, chronic under-tipping (some may overtip to show off), stealing office supplies, missing several meetings, or breaking traffic laws.

Elimination of Boundaries

Shows blatant contempt for the opinions, feelings, belongings, and physical space of others. Oversteps and exploits people without regard or compassion. Borrows stuff or money and does not return them. Repeatedly breaks pledges and agreements. Shows no remorse and blames the victim for his or her own lack of respect.

People with narcissistic traits deliberately disrespect the limits of others. They frequently overstep the mark and utilise people without regard for the impact they may have on them.

The narcissist disregards other people’s boundaries in a variety of ways, including breaking promises or obligations on a regular basis, borrowing items or money without returning them (and with no intent to ever return or repay), and showing little remorse and blaming the other person when they have overstepped the mark.


A narcissist may be identified by their intense demand for everything to be flawless.

They think they should be flawless, you should be perfect, events should unfold exactly as planned, and life should unfold just as they imagine it.

This is an exceedingly difficult requirement, which leaves the narcissist unhappy and unpleasant most of the time.

The narcissist’s need for perfection causes him or her to grumble and be unsatisfied all the time.

Empathy deficit

Narcissism is distinguished by a lack of empathy. There is no true love or affection. It may be challenging to get their attention and get them to care about your needs and desires. The desire for self-protection weakens narcissists, creating a barrier between them and their connection. When it comes to recognising and understanding their partner’s feelings, they lack real compassion.

They have no (or few) long-term friends.

People with NPD are more likely to have frequent disputes with others. If you look further into their relationships, you may realise that they only have a few close buddies.

Additionally, persons with NPD might be hypersensitive and insecure. As a result, when you try to get out with other people, they may lash out.

They may accuse you of not spending enough time with them, make you feel guilty for spending time with your friends, or criticise you for the sorts of friends you have.

Image Projection Error

Many narcissists like doing things to impress people by making themselves appear attractive on the outside. Physically, romantically, sexually, socially, spiritually, financially, economically, professionally, intellectually, or culturally, this “trophy” complex might manifest itself. In these instances, the narcissist substitutes people, goods, status, and/or accomplishments for the perceived, inadequate “true” self.

These showy “merit badges” are frequently overdone. This style of presentation conveys the message, “I’m better than you!” or “Look how unique I am — I am deserving of everyone’s love, admiration, and acceptance!”

You are isolated

Isolation is a frequent strategy for a narcissist to acquire control in a relationship. This control feeds their need to have their way with everything and to have their spouse become completely dependent on them.

A narcissist can isolate you by: cutting you off from friends and family; controlling and monitoring your use of social media and phone calls; controlling your use of vehicles; pulling you away from hobbies; and, in some cases, disengaging you from the workforce, giving you complete financial control.

The Control

Manipulation and attempting to take control of everything is typical narcissistic behaviour.

Because narcissists are always dissatisfied with the flawed way life unfolds, they try to exert as much control as possible over it and shape it to their liking.

They want and demand to be in charge, and their feeling of entitlement leads them to believe that they should be in charge of everything.

Narcissists always have a preconceived notion of what each “character” in their conversation should say and do. They feel irritated and uneasy when you do not behave as expected.

Because you’re off-script, they’re not sure what to anticipate next. They want you to say and do precisely what they want so that they may attain their intended conclusion.

You are a character in their mental play, not a genuine person with ideas and feelings of your own. (This is why ending a relationship with a narcissist can be so difficult.)

The Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a sort of manipulation and emotional abuse that is common in narcissists. People with NPD may make outright lies, wrongly accuse others, manipulate the facts, and eventually distort your reality, particularly in response to perceived challenges to power or fear of desertion.

A narcissist employs this technique to distort their partner’s perception of reality. Gaslighting is a kind of narcissism in which the individual concentrates on acquiring control of their relationship. Being in a relationship with a narcissist might make you feel insecure and cause you to apologise for things you haven’t done.

The following are signs of gaslighting:

-You no longer recognise yourself as the person you once were.
-You’re more nervous and insecure than you used to be.
-You frequently question if you’re being overly sensitive.
-You get the impression that everything you do is incorrect.
-When things go wrong, you always blame yourself.
-You’re constantly apologising.
-You have a feeling that something is awry, but you can’t pinpoint what it is.
-You frequently wonder if your reaction to your lover is suitable.
-You rationalise your partner’s actions.

“They do this in order to make others doubt themselves in order to acquire dominance.” Narcissists thrive on being worshipped, thus they employ manipulative techniques to convince you to do so.”

Another method narcissists manipulate is via guilt, like when they say, “I’ve given you so much, and you’re so ungrateful,” or “I’m a victim — you must assist me or you’re not a nice person.” They use your emotions and trick you into making ridiculous compromises.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it; speaking from my experience, leaving a narcissistic relationship is a difficult task. But the payoff on the other side was worth the early difficulty for me.

One of the primary reasons it’s so difficult to leave a relationship with a narcissist, according to Psychology Today contributor Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D., is that “you have become ‘Trauma Bonded‘ to this person.”

As a result of the first outpouring of affection and the sense that all of your dreams have come true, you are now emotionally, physically, and most importantly cognitively hooked to your narcissistic spouse. But you can move ahead of it all because you’re stronger that you think. Living with a narcissist eats you up from inside and I know that how hard it can be but remember, you’re strong enough.

Much love and healing! Because you deserve it.



Riya Khajuria
Riya Khajuria

Written by Riya Khajuria

Counselling Psychologist- Navigating life and helping you along. I write intriguing articles based on human emotions, thinking and behavior.

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